Monday, December 22, 2008

What I Realized About Getting What You Want..

I realized that in order to get what you want in this world, you have to be strong, stern and firm. (All great adjectives for eachother, by the way.)

While I consider myself to be all of the above, I have a hard time taking it one step further and being really demanding when I am told no.

For example, I am exactly 508 miles away from being Continental Gold Elite Status for all of 2009, but I need to accrue these 508 miles before December 31st. No matter how hard I tried to convince Continental that they should upgrade my status out of good faith, when they said no, I could not bring myself to get nasty! And unfortunately, as I learned from going to Rutgers (famous for the "R-U Screw), you have to bitch to get what you want...

Sometimes I wish I was one of those women that could be mean to customer service people when necessary, but I can't! But then again, if I were to be, I would immediately be labeled as a bitch and I don't want that. What to do... What to do...

That being said -- If you or anyone you know has a hook up at Continental, let me know ASAP!!!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

What I Realized About Traffic...

I realized that even when I think I'm going to be on time for work, it NEVER happens. The second it starts drizzling, people forget how to drive, and I become the victim. Today, I was stuck in the bowels of the NJ Turnpike, smushed in between 100's of trucks.

Another thing I realized is that truck drivers are probably the most evil drivers on the face of the planet. They drive like they have Mini-Coopers. And Today, about 8 of those stupid oversized speed-racers flipped over and reeked havoc all over NJ.

Ahh.. good times...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What I Just Realized....

Another thing I just realized.... My job is definitely so much cooler than yours because my latest and greatest account is.....

YUP, that's right --- you're all jealous